
Wednesday 10 July 2013

Loki Laufeyson 2. Myth vs. pop-culture: The Trickster

2. Loki as a trickster

When talking about Loki, the name trickster comes up several times. What does it mean exactly? True to his very entity, there is no uniform definition despite the fact, that you can find the figure of a trickster in almost every culture and religion (or at least figures which share several of its characteristics). According to some scholars a trickster is an archetypal figure, who is a primary stage of a type later developed into a culture hero. 
Loki and his children (by Audrey Koch)

(You can find the first part- mythology- here)

Loki Laufeyson 2. Mýtus vs. popkultúra: Trickster

2. Loki ako Trickster

V súvislosti s Lokim som už viackrát spomínala pojem trickster. Čo teda je? Ako vyplýva z jeho samotnej podstaty, jednotná definícia neexistuje, hoci postavu trickstera nájdete v takmer všetkých kultúrach a náboženstvách (alebo aspoň postavy, ktoré majú viacero takýchto charakteristík). Niektorí vedci tvrdia, že trickster je archetypálna figúra a prvotné štádium postavy, z ktorej sa neskôr vyvinie kultúrny hrdina. 
Loki a jeho deti (Audrey Koch)
(prvú časť- Mytológiu- nájdete tuto)